April 4, 2024 : Saiyan Armor Painted White

After a few more days/nights of work, the Saiyan armor has been sealed, primed, and (partially) painted. Specifically, the white base has been airbrushed on.

Front shot of a work-in-progress cosplay Saiyan armor

The main outstanding item is painting on the yellow ribs and shoulder straps, which will be applied via a standard brush. The half round dowels also need another coat or two of white paint, applied via brush. They were soaking up the airbrush applications. It seems like they weren’t adequately sealed and/or primed. Bottom line, it’s the home stretch – fingers crossed…

posted by Pi Visuals at 11:29 pm

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February 17, 2024 : Saiyan Armor Progressing

After another night of work, the Saiyan Armor is coming along nicely. The front and back sections are nearly complete and partially connected.

Front and back progress shots for a Vegeta Cosplay Saiyan armor costume

The two sections need to be joined at the sides, and the details still need to be added. When that’s complete, painting can take place – which is a whole other beast. That said, I like where things are at relative to the deadline (late April… C2E2 Babaay!).

posted by Pi Visuals at 1:52 pm

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January 21, 2024 : Vegeta Costume 2.0 Underway

With C2E2 just over three months away, the new build for the Vegeta Costume has begun in earnest. I spent some time in November and December coming up with a plan, buying supplies, and securing the undergarments:

Undergarments for Vegeta Cosplay costume

The planning was necessary since I don’t have nearly as much free time as I did 6+ years ago with the first version. With that out of the way, the main lift of the project has kicked off – specifically, building the armor. Fortunately, there are far more resources out there these days for a more efficient (and better) build. Plus, I still have the Goku to my Vegeta working on it with me. Thus far, the front of the armor is moving along:

The start of Vegeta's Saiyan Armor

There is still a fair amount to go with the armor, plus there are all the accessories. These include the hair, gloves, and boots. Some will be repurposed, while others will be redone. Hopefully the end result is an even better look than last time… which will say a lot.

posted by Pi Visuals at 1:24 am

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