April 2, 2022 : April Fools’ Flashback
I’m not one to partake in April Fools’ foolery, but here’s a post from back in the day talking about others who did. I still chuckle at the reaction Taco Bell got. It’s also crazy to think this post was from 13 years ago (?!).
In the event you want to feel mistreated during this time “Holiday”, here’s a clip of one of my least favorite commercials of all time… which happens to be by Taco Bell. It was so bad, I boycotted them at a time when I would actually eat there. This apparently was also a time when I had a bigger budget for Toilet Paper.
Awful… just awful.
posted by Pi Visuals at 12:37 am
Tags: Taco Bell
April 1, 2009 : Back When Taco Bell Knew Marketing
Personally, I am not a huge fan of April Fools’ Day, but I do like Taco Bell. So while I’m not big into pranks, this one was pretty good.
For those of you that don’t remember, Taco Bell ran an ads in several major newspapers stating they were helping out the economy by purchasing the rights to the Liberty Bell (and decided to rename it to the Liberty Taco Bell). Needless to say, a lot of people complained about this travesty. Eventually Taco Bell came clean, but not before hundreds of media outlets (both print and media) ran the story. The end result, a temporary boost in sales over the next few days.
This was genius – not only was it comical, but financially successful. The sad thing is, the ad wizards went from this idea to their so many horrible tv ads (‘wanna go clubbing?”). Ugh.
posted by Pi Visuals at 11:51 am
Tags: Taco Bell1 Comment | Post a comment