March 29, 2014 : Article Dissecting Ratatouille’s Dolly Zoom
On it’s surface, Pixar’s Ratatouille might have had a premise that was difficult to swallow (I’m so clever), but it quickly won over critics and audiences. A lot of this has to be attributed to Brad Bird, who wrote and directed the film. I’m quite the fan of Mr. Bird – he knows animation and film making, in general. Which is why I enjoyed reading this article, which dissects and praises a Dolly Zoom used in the film.
It’s an interesting analysis on the technique, which also mentions other famously used instances in film while covering the theory behind the move.
Speaking of Brad Bird, Disney recently announced that he is writing a sequel to Incredibles – although it doesn’t say if he’ll direct the film. Personally, I have mixed emotions on the news. While this could be a solid flick (and one of the few Pixar sequels that a lot of people have been truly clamoring for), I would prefer more original material… like what Ratatouille was. With that said, I will gladly welcome any movie done by Mr. Bird.
posted by Pi Visuals at 11:53 pm
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