February 10, 2024 : Character Animation Fun

It isn’t anything super glamorous, but I started a new project at work that includes a good amount of character animation. It’s an educational piece that uses a stick figure with accompanying graphics to reinforce the script. That said, stick figures can actually be really fun to animate due to their aesthetic simplicity. I already set up the rig and did a few tests:

A stick man animated in After Effects

The work will be done in After Effects, which is still pretty powerful for character animation. I considered using a plugin (such is DUIK) but decided to keep things simple. I tend to do this type of work only a few times a year so it’s fun when I get a chance to flex these muscles – particularly since it’s been a little while since I’ve done a personal project… sigh.

I also wanted to go for a hand drawn look, which required some testing to get it how I wanted; but I think it’s in a good place. Overall it’s a fun, light-hearted project which is always something to look forward to 🙂

posted by Pi Visuals at 1:37 am

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January 21, 2024 : Vegeta Costume 2.0 Underway

With C2E2 just over three months away, the new build for the Vegeta Costume has begun in earnest. I spent some time in November and December coming up with a plan, buying supplies, and securing the undergarments:

Undergarments for Vegeta Cosplay costume

The planning was necessary since I don’t have nearly as much free time as I did 6+ years ago with the first version. With that out of the way, the main lift of the project has kicked off – specifically, building the armor. Fortunately, there are far more resources out there these days for a more efficient (and better) build. Plus, I still have the Goku to my Vegeta working on it with me. Thus far, the front of the armor is moving along:

The start of Vegeta's Saiyan Armor

There is still a fair amount to go with the armor, plus there are all the accessories. These include the hair, gloves, and boots. Some will be repurposed, while others will be redone. Hopefully the end result is an even better look than last time… which will say a lot.

posted by Pi Visuals at 1:24 am

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December 31, 2023 : Looking To 2024 With (Overly Ambitious) Goals

With the end of the year (and start of a new one) around the corner, I decided to document a list of goals I’m hoping to tackle in 2024. Here they are in no particular order:

Some of these goals are already underway. However, I acknowledge some others I might not be able to get around to or complete. In addition to normal professional commitments, I will be tied up with a fair amount of personal ones as well. That said, I’m fine starting off ambitiously and reeling myself in as the year progresses. Then again, perhaps I’ll add a few to the list.

If anything, these goals can provide more material to increase the frequency of posts. In fact, this post was partially done to make 18 for 2023. In case you were wondering, my ridiculous goal for 2023 was originally 26 (oops).

posted by Pi Visuals at 1:20 am



December 23, 2023 : Digital Candy Cane Breakdown

I really liked how the candy canes turned out in this year’s Holiday card. It took a few steps to get to the end result so I figured I’d share the progression:

Digital Candy Cane Design in After Effects

I ended up using After Effects – technically, the base shapes were done in Illustrator when I was creating the card’s general layout, but this could have easily been done in AE as well. I’m sure Photoshop would have been just as capable, but I used a fair amount of mattes, masks, and blending modes; and I am more comfortable doing that in AE.

Originally, I was planning on going with a more illustrative look so I could have easily stopped at #3 or #4; but as I kept working through things, I liked the realistic look more and more. The shadows/highlights really helped achieve the look I wanted, but I think the unsung hero that really sold it was the noise layer.

posted by Pi Visuals at 12:34 am

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December 15, 2023 : Tis’ the Season – For Digital Candy Canes

Another year, another Holiday Card. For those keeping track, this is the seventh year I made one with/for the family. Here’s number 7:

Digital Candy Cane Design

Every time it seems like a rush job; but by keeping things simple, I feel it was pretty manageable this year. As always, there are a few things I would have liked to tweak a little more, but overall I’m pleased with the end result.

I’m a big fan of the candy canes, which were created in After Effects. In fact, the whole card was done in AE (with a splash of Illustrator) versus using Photoshop. This was mostly due to my comfort level with the software, as I’m sure it could have been done easily in PS. I plan on writing up a quick post describing the steps. It wasn’t too complicated but there were a series of layered effects, which gave a solid look.

posted by Pi Visuals at 12:04 am

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November 23, 2023 : Finally, A Christmas Batman Movie

File under something I never knew I needed but glad it exists, this December will see a new Batman Christmas movie. Here’s the trailer:

For whatever reason, it will be on Amazon Prime (seriously, WTF WBD?). In either case, it has some solid names attached to its production. For starters, Luke Wilson is Batman, which for this light-hearted fare seems to work. It’s co-written by Etan Cohen, who co-wrote Idiocracy and Tropic Thunder. Also, it is directed by Mike Roth, a writer on Regular Show… and after hearing that, I totally see the visual connection. Now, if Pops makes a cameo, I might lose it.

posted by Pi Visuals at 1:06 am



November 5, 2023 : 24/7 Anime Channel By Crunchyroll

Over the years, I’ve considered getting a subscription to Crunchyroll but always passed due to the lack of time to actually utilize it. This still holds true, but a smile was definitely put on my face upon hearing of their newly created (and free) 24/7 anime channel.

No doubt they have a ways to go before it can be widely accessible (for me that would mean YouTube TV), but you have to start somewhere. Hopefully there’s enough of an audience where it continues to grow; and when I do finally have time to watch more, it’ll be around… and still free.

posted by Pi Visuals at 1:08 am



October 10, 2023 : Scavengers Reign

I’m a sucker for Sci-Fi, which is probably why this trailer for a new HBO Max series piqued my interest:

Visually, I’m all in. I am curious about the pipeline. While going for the 2D look, there are clearly 3D elements. Are the characters actually hand drawn, or was 3D used to make it look 2D? I doesn’t look like a 3D cel shader, but I’m not a 100%.

Story wise, I’m a little less on board. The sci-fi hook is definitely my brand, but the thriller part can lend itself to too many WTF moments. The trailer implies the pacing can be a little slow, and I got some serious Akira vibes. We’ll see, but I’ll probably put this on the list of shows to check out (eventually).

posted by Pi Visuals at 12:23 am



September 16, 2023 : Stellar DBZ Branded Shirts

Over the last few months, this basketball shirt has dominated the rotation when I lace up:

This was a solid gift for sure, but it got me thinking: What about Vegeta’s skills on the court? It’s probably ‘Air Goku’ fits better visually. Still, why isn’t there equally killer apparel for Vegeta? That’s when I came across:

You did it again, Internet!

posted by Pi Visuals at 12:28 am



August 19, 2023 : Scott Pilgrim Teaser Trailer

Well, that didn’t take long for a teaser trailer to come out – and a release date (November 17 – that’s right around the corner!).

The design seems like a mix of anime and Cartoon Network, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Although the camera movements are very dynamic and have the type of energy I’d want from a Scott Pilgrim property. Ultimately, the teaser increased my interest in the show… so mission accomplished!

posted by Pi Visuals at 12:44 am
