February 28, 2025 : Insight From Editors Of Dragon Ball

Three editors of the Dragon Ball manga were recently interviewed in a podcast, where they discussed Akira Toriyama and the evolution of the series. Somebody created a twitter thread, highlighting the conversation; and it’s a great read.

A screenshot of Gohan, from Dragon Ball Z, in Super Saiyan 2 form

There are several cool points; but for me, the highlight is confirmation that Toriyama initially intended to end the series with the Cell Saga. He felt Gohan’s narrative arc was the natural progression of the series. Due to the series’ incredible success, he was pressured by the editorial team to continue Dragon Ball, which resulted in the Buu saga.

It was also interesting to hear that Toriyama was very spontaneous with his writing. The storylines were not planned out in advance. In fact, when Trunks was first introduced, his origins weren’t yet determined (?!).

Either way, it was great reading a behind-the-scenes take on the manga.

posted by Pi Visuals at 1:04 am

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