January 13, 2023 : Pretty Sketchy Stuff
Decluttering is a never ending process. Two months ago, I found a box of sketches I’ve done over the years. Many were over fifteen years old (?!). Some were specific to projects that actually came to fruition, while others were just random techniques and poses I was working on. I’m guessing these amounted to several thousand sheets of paper; and they ranged from awful to not quite as bad. That said, I went through them all and kept the ones I really liked. Being very discriminating, I ended up with 42… because Hitchhikers? Below is a compilation:
I had varying reason for choosing each one. Some reminded me of a project, and I liked how it captured the process. Others told a story (that may or may not have come to fruition). Others were kept out of pure nostalgia.
Either way, I am holding onto these and tossed (recycled) the rest. I haven’t drawn anything of significance lately, but it was cool to revisit all the old drawings I did over the years (good and bad); and maybe these saved ones will help provide some inspiration in the future.
posted by Pi Visuals at 12:03 am
Tags: Drawing