December 11, 2014 : Lightwave 2015 – Up And Running
A few weeks back, Newtek released its latest version of Lightwave – Lightwave 2015. I have only purchased two previous versions/ upgrades of the 3D software, and the last time was about 8 years ago. As such, it was definitely time for me to get my software current.
It’s now installed, and I even created a few files to test things out. Below is a screen shot:
From first glance, Lightwave 2015 is similar to my previous version (LW 9.6), but there are obvious differences. Since there have been several versions since my last previous purchase, I will need to familiarize myself with the various improvements and changes. Fortunately, Newtek provided a 2300 page manual to help as a reference. Between that and their forums, I can’t wait to get up to speed with Lightwave 2015.
posted by Pi Visuals at 11:57 pm
Tags: Lightwave