September 5, 2008 : Would You Like Some Mental Ray, Polly Prissy Pants?

Mental Ray is a powerful rendering application, capable of creating some really impressive images.

Yes, Eric. I would love some tea. Thank you.

As with most powerful applications, it is quite complicated and definitely not easy to master.  The image above was testing out some of the strengths of Mental Ray.  It has several different types of objects – semi-reflective surfaces, specular highlights, and a liquid.  There’s even some teabag action going on (get your mind out of the gutter, you pervert).

A little post-processing work was also done in order to fake a depth of field (via Photoshop) .  As expected, the render times were pretty large with Mental Ray.  The final image, at 640×480 resolution, took about 25 minutes.  Not horrendous but still rather large for a relatively simple scene.

posted by Pi Visuals at 8:45 pm

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1 Comment:

On September 9th, 2008, at 12:05 am, Moridin said ...

I assume you wanted tea because you’re Winston Churchill? Seriously, very cool looking. I like the depth of field effect and the liquid. Nice detail on the teabag and china, too.

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