April 29, 2016 : Animation Software Toonz Now Open Source

Toonz, a professional software package, has released an open source version. Not only is it the software of choice for Studio Ghibli, but it was used to make Futurama. First developed by an Italian company (Digital Video), Toonz was purchased by Dwango, a Japanese media and entertainment company. As part of the agreement, an open source version of the software was released in late March. Here is a link to the free version.

In addition to the open source platform, a premium version of Toonz is available. This Open Source Business Model is new to me so I don’t know if the free version is very watered down. Although, Toonz Premium is supposed to be sold at a “competitive price”, which probably means cheaper than the more popular Toonboom.

I haven’t installed the open source version yet, but I plan on checking it out soon. It’s been a while since I had a 2D animation program in my pipeline. Way back when, I used Mirage (from Bauhaus); but it grew obsolete, and I didn’t purchase its successor, TV Paint.

posted by Pi Visuals at 8:32 pm

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