May 14, 2015 : Group Scene – On Steriods

The current scene I am animating is a large one. It has plenty going on – as well as a lot of characters in it. The sequence I am specifically working on is very intense. Below is a screenshot of Lightwave’s Schematic View (which shows the various objects within the scene file):

Each red/white/blue cluster represents a character. As the image above shows, there are twenty of them in this file. This specific sequence is needed to establish many of the upcoming closer shots, which is why I need a file with this many characters. Right now I am getting all the characters in place for the sequence, and then I plan on splitting things up into groups of characters via sub-files.

In the past, there was no way I would have been able to work on a file like this. My previous computers would slowed to a crawl after four or five characters. Ever since my new computer was built, I noticed a significant increase in performance (to be fair, my last previous computer was  about ten years old). However, even this has exceeded my expectations. This does appear to be reaching a reasonable limit as the  scene is running a little slower than normal – but not nearly as bad as my other computers did when it got bogged down. Plus, with twenty characters, I can’t really complain.

posted by Pi Visuals at 12:08 am

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