December 3, 2013 : Watanabe’s Latest – And It’s On Adult Swim!

Space Dandy, the latest series by Shinichiro Watanabe, is set to premiere this January. The really cool news is that the English version will debut at the same time as the Japanese version, and it will be on Adult Swim. Toonami has made the following trailer for the series:

It definitely looks Watanabe’s work – who created among other things, the awesome Cowboy Bebop (still my favorite anime). This is  also the first time that the English version will premiere simultaneously with the Japanese version. It looks like Adult Swim is really stepping up their game when it comes to anime. If this pays off, there’s a good chance this will happen more frequently…. it’s a win-win.

posted by Pi Visuals at 4:10 pm

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