August 27, 2013 : The Simpsons Doubling Up On The Crossovers

A mere eighteen years removed from the mildly controversial Critic Crossover episode (I enjoyed it), The Simpsons have decided to do it again – except with Matt Groening on board. This time, The Simpsons will appear on an episode of Family Guy.

I haven’t watched Family Guy since 2006 or The Simpsons since 2003… so I’m pretty sure I won’t tune in to see it. Either way, it’s pretty safe to say the rivalry these two shows once had it no more. Yet again, that probably fizzled when Seth MacFarlane provided a voice on a newer Futurama episode.

Speaking of Futurama, it has also been announced that they will crossover onto a Simpsons episode sometime in 2014. Sadly, Futurama’s post renewal decline has lead me to stop watching that show a few seasons back, so I am pretty sure I won’t be viewing this one either. Now, if only these episodes were made 10-12 years ago. Oh well.

posted by Pi Visuals at 12:22 am

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