June 28, 2012 : Savor The Flavor Of Ninja Tales Episode 9

Episode number nine of Ninja Tales is now perusing the interwebs. Follow the series of tubes and enjoy it for all it’s worth. This episode is called ‘Throwing The Blame’ and can be viewed below.

This short had more weapons than any of the previous ones. Even though there were daggers and blow darts, the ninja stars held the prominent role in the scene. They were modeled by Moridin – unfortunately, there weren’t any close shots to fully appreciate them. Still, the design was very sleek.

posted by Pi Visuals at 2:47 pm

1 Comment:

On July 6th, 2012, at 8:53 pm, Joe Mills said ...

You need to make more shorts with the ninjas writhing in pain. That was funny…

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