May 31, 2012 : View The Hilarity Of Ninja Tales Episode 5

Episode number 5 of Ninja Tales is now out to be viewed by one and all. It is called ‘In The Closet’ and is only the second short that has all four of the main characters in it.

It was a bit of a challenge to make a 90 second short set in such a confined space. A big concern of mine was preventing the episode from moving too slowly, but I liked the overall flow and think it moved quite well.

posted by Pi Visuals at 12:04 pm


On June 2nd, 2012, at 11:25 pm, Joe Mills said ...

Nice work…I think this is my favorite one so far.

On June 5th, 2012, at 2:37 pm, Lady Pi said ...

I like the shoe boxes in the background. They look familiar…

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