September 28, 2011 : FMA: Brotherhood – I Miss You Already

Adult Swim finished up its run of Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood this past weekend. The 64-episode series was my favorite anime on Adult Swim since Death Note, and the ending did not disappoint.

Brotherhood followed the manga more closely than the original series, and thus I think it remained more focused than its predecessor. There were few, if any, filler episodes – their storylines were crisp and fast paced (definitely something Bleach has not been able to do the past few years).

It’s worth mentioning that the original series was still pretty entertaining. In fact, here is a good article discussing the value in both versions. I think Brotherhood was just above and beyond fantastic. I don’t know what Adult Swim has planned to replace it in its lineup, but it will certainly have big shoes to fill. Here’s hoping it isn’t Casshern.

posted by Pi Visuals at 8:18 am


On May 25th, 2014, at 6:31 pm, jppcouto said ...

It’s my favorite show of all time. The story is so powerful with so many interesting characters that somebody should make a live action of this.

On May 25th, 2014, at 11:05 pm, Pi Visuals said ...

The story is solid, and the characters are great. However, my worry with a live action movie is that it wouldn’t do the series justice. There is so much that went on over those sixty-some episodes – between plot and character development – that there’s no way they could fit it all in a 90 minute movie. So the end result would be a pretty watered down product, in my opinion.

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