July 21, 2011 : Lava Lamp Goodness With Maya

I had some free time in the last week, so I killed some of it toying around in Maya – a program I’ve neglected lately. My main goal was to reacquaint myself with its shortcuts, interface, and modeling tools. So I created something pretty basic, but I didn’t want it to be too boring. The end result? A lava lamp, and below is the final render:

The render isn’t all that impressive – the lighting and surfacing could definitely be spruced up. However, I am pleased with the modeling, and that was the main goal for this little exercise. I ended up using Maya’s standard renderer. I might come back to it and re-render it with Mental Ray, but smart money says I will just make an entirely new (and different) model that will utilize Mental Ray’s awesomeness.

posted by Pi Visuals at 10:37 pm

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