June 11, 2011 : Cartoon Brew Stands Up For MoCap… Sorta

I recently read an interesting article from Cartoon Brew, which actually took a relatively pro-MoCap stance. It was in response to Space Jam’s Animation Producer, Steven Paul Leiva, who claimed Motion Capture isn’t animation. While the article shows a general dislike for the aesthetics of the technique, it still makes a solid argument that it should be considered animation… particularly when it comes Oscar time.

The article makes a lot of good points, and I think is worth a read. Most animator’s don’t like MoCap (they feel it’s a huge shortcut that demeans the industry), so that’s why it’s odd to see an animation site take it’s side. Still, it’s tough to argue with the article’s reasoning.

posted by Pi Visuals at 12:27 am

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