May 31, 2011 : A New Fullmetal Alchemist Movie… Uh Oh.

In the same vain as my previous post, Funimation has bought the distribution rights to Fullmetal Alchemist: Sacred Star Of Milos. The movie is set to premiere in Japan this summer and will be in America early next year.

So why the ‘Uh-Oh’? Well, according to this article, the movie is a continuation of the series. Now, I love FMA: Brotherhood, and I am stoked to see the remaining 16 episodes of the 64 episode series; however the new movie coming on the heels of the series makes me a little worried that the movie was needed to properly tie it up (look at the FMA movie that followed the original series or even the incredibly confusing ending to Evangelion).

Just about every episode of Brotherhood has been great, and many have been incredible; but it would be a shame if they don’t adequately finish the series within the original 64 episodes. On the other hand, maybe the movie is just an extended prologue; but the skeptic in me will believe it when I see it, which I most certainly will.

posted by Pi Visuals at 3:51 pm


On May 31st, 2011, at 7:59 pm, Brian Westley said ...

The series has a proper ending; the movie takes place some time before that, kind of like the Cowboy Bebop movie.

On May 31st, 2011, at 8:47 pm, Pi Visuals said ...

Alright… that sounds like reason to be excited. Plus, even more reason to look forward to these last few episodes.

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