January 25, 2011 : Stuffed – Released

Spilled My Drink’s latest has been released and can be seen on Vimeo. It will be the best 5 minutes of your life (of course that assumes you’ve lead a really pathetic existence thus far).

This is Spilled My Drink Productions’ first project in HD. Below is the logline for the short:

Animated short about a nerdy teenager and his best friend – who happens to be a stuffed bear.

Enjoy… and be sure to tell your friends.

posted by Pi Visuals at 4:04 pm

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On January 27th, 2011, at 10:33 pm, Moridin said ...

Genius! The voice acting of that bear was Oscar-worthy!

On January 29th, 2011, at 4:59 pm, Pi Visuals said ...

While the voice acting was impressive, I think the directing of such a difficult actor was the truly Oscar-worthy performance.

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