October 13, 2010 : Madhouse’s Supernatural Trailer

Madhouse Studios has been involved with countless anime projects – some notable ones include The Animatrix, Black Lagoon, and Reign: The Conqueror. While the storylines to some of their works disappoint (Paranoia Agent, Wicked City, and Metropolis) or are incredibly weird (cough, cough… Paprika), the animation is usually pretty solid.

Madhouse is currently working on an anime adaptation to the CW show, Supernatural. I’ve never watched the show even though it’s been on for six seasons – after all, the only CW show I watch is Gossip Girl. Anyway, the trailer looks pretty sweet.

The anime is to be released in Japan early next year. Who knows when it will be available in the U.S. – but common sense tells us that since it is based on an American show, it will be around sooner rather than later. And if the trailer is any indication, it can be one worth watching.

P.S. – You can never go wrong with playing Carry On Wayward Son during a trailer.

posted by Pi Visuals at 11:10 pm

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