November 3, 2009 : Halloween: Bleach Style

It’s a few days late, but here’s a pic from Halloween.

The problem with dressing as anime character: dyeing your hair.

Going with an anime theme this year, the costumes were characters from Bleach. I was Ichigo Kurosaki (the main character from the show), and to my right was Byakuya Kuchiki. My brother’s costume was much more involved than mine, and he did an impressive job with it (particularly on such short notice).

As expected, very few people got the costumes – and by very few, I mean zero. Fortunately, we had digital references via the iPhone to show people we weren’t making things up. Plus it was a good conversation starter.

All in all, a fun Halloween. But that goes without saying.

posted by Pi Visuals at 3:32 pm

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