October 23, 2009 : The Iron Giant Turns Ten

Ten years ago, in August, one of the greatest movies of all time was released… to pretty much empty theaters.

You are who you choose to be.

The Iron Giant is one of my favorite all-time movies. More so than any other animated movie, live action movie, and even Ace Ventura (yeah, you read that right).

Tonight there will be a 10th anniversary panel discussion about the movie in Burbank. Panelists include the art director, lead animator, and the super awesome Brad Bird. Tickets for this event sold out within 24 hours; and because of its demand, the location was changed in order to sell additional tickets.

Going to this would be worth a trip out to Cali on its own. Hopefully there will be some video about it on the interweb.

posted by Pi Visuals at 1:48 pm

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