June 14, 2009 : Welcome (Back) To The World Of Tomorrow

It is now official, Futurama will return with new episodes. The two, 13-episode seasons will air on Comedy Central (and if desirable, perhaps on a network).


This is pretty cool news if you are a fan, which I am. However, I am also a little skeptical. Futurama did have four straight to DVD movies over the past two years. I personally felt the movies progressively got worse, and none of them reached the level of quality that the series attained when it was still on the air. The optimist in me attributes this to the format the DVD movies had to adhere (four 22-minute parts, with each part having traditional story breaks as if it was a standalone episode).

However, I am worried that the Futurama revival will follow the path of Family Guy’s – in that it will be alright but not as good as it used to be. Of course the cast is returning; but since the show is going to air on Comedy Central, the budget has been reduced. This means some of the animation sequences will be more simplified, and the writing staff is smaller. Theref0re, two key elements of the show that made it great (the phenomenal writing and the sweet 2D/3D animation) will be reduced.

Hopefully Futurama will return to form with these new episodes. Unfortunately, there are people who have cause for concern.

posted by Pi Visuals at 4:30 pm

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