January 19, 2010 : Wordle Weekend

Between being bored this weekend and thinking more about my previous post, which had a visual representation of what is often discussed on this blog, I decided to make a quick short using the images obtained from Wordle.

If you look closely (or pause the video frequently), a lot of funny phrases show up that were randomly present in the original Wordle image.

The link to the video is here. By the way, IE6 and/or IE7 might have issues playing this file – it is recommended to use a different browser.

Also, the primary software used was After Effects.

posted by Pi Visuals at 2:25 am


On January 20th, 2010, at 8:25 pm, Moridin said ...

Nice work! I like that the background behind the words are more words. I assume you recorded the song yourself, too?

On January 20th, 2010, at 8:32 pm, Pi Visuals said ...

Yes, I recorded the song as well.

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