June 8, 2009 : Not Much Of A Surprise

So it’s no shocker, but Pixar’s Up is killing at the box office. Plus, it was very well received critically (again, nothing new here).

I believe a giant cake is off screen (yeah, I made a fat joke)

I have yet to see Up, but the plan is to watch it in the next few weeks. It looks really sweet and has had nothing but positive reviews.

Despite the fact that I have seen every movie of theirs, this will be only the second Pixar movie I have watched at the theater – and the first willingly (I saw the sub-par Cars at the theater, but that was not up to me).

posted by Pi Visuals at 1:03 pm

1 Comment:

On July 6th, 2009, at 9:37 pm, news : pivisuals : Oh Yeah – I Almost Forgot said ...

[…] >>Not Much Of A Surprise […]

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