February 3, 2009 : Astroboy – A Go Or No Go?

Recently, there was some disturbing news that Imagi Animation Studios is having serious financial troubles. Imagi is the force behind the new, awesome looking Astroboy Film. The article goes on to say that the studio is temporarily shutting down due to lack of money and will remain offline until it can secure additional funding.

Looks Too Cool To Get Shelved

The only thing is that most of the articles/websites that give this dreadful news state they are awaiting confirmation – and it should assume this to be just a rumor until it is verified. To cast further doubt on these rumors, Forbes ran an articles claiming the studio did run into financial problems a few months ago but were rescued (by the Chicago private equity firm, Prescient Advisors).

So it is still unsure which story to believe. It is entirely possible that both are true. Perhaps Image Animation were in trouble a few months ago, secured additional funding, but then this money fell through. As a result, they might have been forced to temporarily shut down. Until things get straightened out, the best thing to do is remain optimistic (after all, in this economy how can you not… uh oh).

posted by Pi Visuals at 9:39 am

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1 Comment:

On January 20th, 2010, at 8:42 pm, news : pivisuals : Up And At Them! said ...

[…] in the year, movie costs put doubt as to whether or not Astro Boy would even get released. Fortunately, things got straightened out and is scheduled to come out October […]

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