November 4, 2008 : Not A Good Time To Have Six Fingers On Your Right Hand

My concern for coming up with a Halloween costume this year was detailed in a previous post.  I figured I would share this year’s final product (in case anyone was interested):

I, of course, was Inigo Montoya – the Spanish swordsman from The Princess Bride.  As I have done the last few years, this costume was done in cooperation with other people – which made the Princess Bride theme stand out that much more.

Almost Made It As The DVD Cover

A decent amount of people recognized us – however Wesley (aka The Dread Pirate Roberts) was often confused for Zorro.  A somewhat understandable mistake…until people saw me next to him as well as his blond mustache.

Speaking of which, one thing that was a huge pain was the mustache.  Applying the glue and ensuring it stayed on throughout the night was no easy task – it makes wearing a wig a walk in the park.  I have a feeling that I will try to steer clear of them with future costumes.

posted by Pi Visuals at 2:13 pm

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1 Comment:

On November 18th, 2008, at 10:13 pm, Johnny5 said ...

Look at those rugged, mustachioed men. Is too sexy!

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