March 14, 2008 : Happy Pi Day!!!

That time of year has arrived! My favorite day…and yours, I’m sure. It’s Pi Day!!!

And my gift to you is a brand spanking new layout (many thanks to Moridin for his help with some of the changes).

It is definitely long overdue, so your patience is certainly appreciated. Obviously there are some stylistic changes; but there are also some behind-the-scene alterations with respect to directories and such, which better suit the changing needs of the website.

Normally, Pi Day leads into the joy that is March Madness. Unfortunately, Illini basketball is not up to snuff this year. As a result, things look a little bleak the next month. Still, how can anybody be down when its Pi Day? So be sure to feverously use those calculators, slide rules, and abaci (Reverse Polish is always welcome)!!!

posted by Pi Visuals at 12:05 pm


On March 14th, 2008, at 3:36 pm, T_Pi said ...

The site looks fantastic! Happy 3.14… Day!

On January 20th, 2010, at 8:43 pm, news : pivisuals : Happy Pi Approximation Day said ...

[…] pretty much the red headed stepchild to Pi Day, but Happy Pi Approximation […]

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